THAILAND 2005 (4 weeks)

The distance between us narrowed, the ground shaking from their immense lumbering steps, the air filled with the sounds of their enraged trumpeting competing with the ear-splitting screams and panicked expletives emanating from our vehicle.

Without warning, the driver accelerated towards the elephant bearing down from the front.  We were playing chicken with a bull elephant!  Continue reading

THAILAND 2004 (11 weeks)

At first glance it seemed like a Thai version of one of those armeggedon disaster type movies.  Vehicles and boats strewn haphazardly against semi destroyed buildings, bodies motionless in the mess and rubble with anyone alive visibly panicked and traumatized; maybe a flash flood or tidal wave?  I’m amused at the outward emotion shown by the locals standing beside me – have they not seen a movie before!  The ‘movie’ is in Thai and my inability to speak the language has delayed my eventual realisation….it’s not a movie….its real! Continue reading