LAOS 2005 (3 weeks)

Almost immediately after crossing the Mekong River separating Thailand from Laos, I feel more relaxed.  Whether it’s the people, the noticeable change in traffic; I can’t put a finger on it, but I celebrate my return to the country with what could be the worlds best beer – Beer Laos! Continue reading

CAMBODIA 2004 (10 days)

In savouring the moment I haven’t noticed the sudden change in my surroundings; the tarmac has been substituted for dirt, the street lights are now few and far between, my eyes adjust to the darkness in a part of the city that has become a virtual shanty town, child prostitutes standing beside the street staring silently back.  In an instant my state of relaxation has changed to one of agitation and stress…had I been lured into a trap… Continue reading

LAOS 2004 (4 weeks)


The capital Vientiane seems almost in slow motion after the sensory overload of Vietnam, almost like a big country town.  The little things like a roadside conversation without shouting, no street vendors or hawkers (feels strange to actually have to wave down a taxi/cyclo).  The city sits on a bend in the river which is now hundreds of metres wide, although after a long dry season, vegetables are being grown in the river bed. Continue reading