I always find the first morning the hardest, the body adjusting to the heavy pack, trying to accommodate its new companion with every stride. I chose this walk, because I little choice! My preferred option of the Fraser Island Great Walk, along with all the other great walks in SE Qld and many national parks, were partly closed. Still recovering from the damage inflicted from a remnant cyclone on Australia Day weekend. Continue reading
Author Archives: danthewanderer
Yuraygir Coastal Walk
Preparations for the intended Yuraygir Coastal Walk were not exactly textbook:
8 days prior – remembered that existing hiking shoes were all but expired, so purchased replacement pair.
7 days prior – given that I had not walked with a heavy pack for nearly 5 months, embarked on a ‘training’ walk after work. In doing so, am attacked by a dog & due to the resulting injury to the left calf, am barely able to walk for two days. Not confident I can commence the walk. So much for breaking in the new shoes.
2 days prior – I’m groomsman at a mate’s wedding – you know how that ends.
1 day prior – NRL grand final with the boys – you know how that ends. Continue reading
INDIA 2007 (4 weeks)
We are approached on the street by a casting scout for a Bollywood movie. Barely hesitating, we accept the offer. The following morning we are driven across Mumbai – not an easy task – to a shopping centre which has been closed to the public to allow filming. Continue reading
Hiking from Spicers Gap to Teviot Gap
It’s Friday night and with the car swap logistics completed at Aratula, our group of eight commence the drive in the dark to Spicers Gap. Cattle sleeping on the road, almost prematurely ended our excursion before it began. Obstacles aside, we reach Spicers Gap and set up camp. A 7 AM start beckoning in the morning. Continue reading
MYANMAR 2007 (4 weeks)
I enter the country under difficult circumstances. In the weeks leading up to my arrival in Myanmar, large street protests led by monks – and later supported by the general public – are headlining international news broadcasts across the globe. Continue reading
NEPAL 2007 (5 weeks)
They may be small in terms of their own species, but I am in a weight division well below theirs and their inquisitive and playful attitude finds me struggling to stand my ground. Their snake-like trunks wrap around me, as one distracts my attention exploring my face… Continue reading
Annapurna Circuit 2007
Conversation is almost non-existent, each breath of the thin air leaving an immediate want for more……..like I’m breathing through a straw full of holes………want to give up and lay down in the snow. Continue reading
MALAYSIA 2005 (2 weeks)
Kota Bharu is the departure point to one of Malaysia’s most popular island groups – Perhentian Islands. But with the monsoon season still impacting the area, I opt to move on and board the ‘jungle’ train that night. Continue reading
THAILAND 2005 (4 weeks)
The distance between us narrowed, the ground shaking from their immense lumbering steps, the air filled with the sounds of their enraged trumpeting competing with the ear-splitting screams and panicked expletives emanating from our vehicle.
Without warning, the driver accelerated towards the elephant bearing down from the front. We were playing chicken with a bull elephant! Continue reading
LAOS 2005 (3 weeks)
Almost immediately after crossing the Mekong River separating Thailand from Laos, I feel more relaxed. Whether it’s the people, the noticeable change in traffic; I can’t put a finger on it, but I celebrate my return to the country with what could be the worlds best beer – Beer Laos! Continue reading