MALAYSIA 2004 (2 weeks)


With our bus departure time only ten minutes away, Kerri and I realise we’re waiting in the wrong place.  At any other bus terminal I’ve been this would not be too traumatic, but this particular bus terminal just over the border from Singapore is ridiculous in its size and volume of buses flowing through.  We’ve been here over two hours and we’ve only realised now….we split up (her blond hair should be easy to spot in a sea of black) and begin our frantic search.  With seconds to spare we locate our beloved bus before taking our seat with still elevated heart rates. Continue reading

CAMBODIA 2004 (10 days)

In savouring the moment I haven’t noticed the sudden change in my surroundings; the tarmac has been substituted for dirt, the street lights are now few and far between, my eyes adjust to the darkness in a part of the city that has become a virtual shanty town, child prostitutes standing beside the street staring silently back.  In an instant my state of relaxation has changed to one of agitation and stress…had I been lured into a trap… Continue reading

LAOS 2004 (4 weeks)


The capital Vientiane seems almost in slow motion after the sensory overload of Vietnam, almost like a big country town.  The little things like a roadside conversation without shouting, no street vendors or hawkers (feels strange to actually have to wave down a taxi/cyclo).  The city sits on a bend in the river which is now hundreds of metres wide, although after a long dry season, vegetables are being grown in the river bed. Continue reading

VIETNAM 2004 (5 weeks)

I get how it’s done, I’ve been told and I’ve observed numerous times but to disregard your natural ingrained instincts…I can’t do it!

And so I found myself standing on the roadside kerb staring at the unachievable….the kerb across the street.  Unachievable because separating the two kerbs is eight lanes of horn blaring traffic dominated with swerving motorbikes that seemingly have overdosed on caffeine.  Sure there are zebra crossings but it’s a waste of good paint if no-one understands their significance! Continue reading